Amateur radio, or ham radio, is a fascinating hobby that spans a wide range of radio frequencies, each with its unique characteristics and regulations. Radio operators, categorized by license class (Technician, General, Advanced, and Extra), have access to specific bands that offer distinct opportunities for communication and experimentation. In this article, we’ll delve into the ham bands, examining some of the bands available to each license class and what makes them unique.
The Technician class license is the entry-level for amateur radio operators. Operators in this class have access to several bands, each with its own set of possibilities.
The 2 most popular in technician band frequencies are:
NOTE: Other (not so popular) bands are the 23cm, 33 cm, 1.25 cm, and 6m.
All Modes mean you are allowed to do everything from Morse code (CW) to Digital. Be cautious as CW does not mean Digital (I.E. the popular FT8 or FT4) so do not confuse the two.
The General class license provides access to more bands and modes, allowing operators to explore a broader spectrum of frequencies and communication methods.
Among the favorites are:
80-Meter Band (HF): Frequencies in the 80-meter band range from 3.5 MHz to 4.0 MHz. This band is renowned for its nighttime long-distance propagation. Operators can use it for both voice and digital modes like PSK31 or FT8.
40-Meter Band (HF): Frequencies on this band span from 7.0 MHz to 7.3 MHz. It offers reliable long-distance communication both day and night, making it a favorite for General class operators.
20-Meter Band (HF): This is a widely used band for international contacts. With frequencies between 14.0 MHz and 14.35 MHz, operators can explore both voice and digital modes. The 20-meter band provides excellent opportunities for working DX (distance) stations.
15-Meter Band (HF): Frequencies in the 15-meter band range from 21.0 MHz to 21.45 MHz. It offers a good balance between day and night propagation and is particularly active during solar maximum periods.
10-Meter Band (HF): Frequencies in the 10-meter band (28.0 MHz to 29.7 MHz) are known for sporadic E-skip, which can lead to exciting and unexpected long-distance contacts. It’s a favorite among General class operators during these sporadic openings.
The daddy of them all, the Extra class license grants access to nearly all available amateur radio bands. These operators have the broadest range of frequencies at their disposal, offering ample opportunities for exploration and experimentation.
The popular of the HF frequencies of the Extra Class are:
In Conclusion, exploring the ham bands is a journey through radio frequencies that cater to the interests and ambitions of radio enthusiasts of all license classes. Whether you are a Technician, General, or Extra class operator, each band opens up a world of possibilities for communication, experimentation, and building connections with fellow hams around the globe. Amateur radio, through its diverse bands, continues to be a captivating and ever-evolving pursuit that keeps the airwaves alive with human ingenuity and the thrill of communication. See you on the Air!